Bingo Musical Success

Online bingo articles 2

Bingo Musical Critical Success

A new musical, set to hit Broadway theatres this fall, Bingo, seems to be a winner in the contention for superiority of the limelight. Set in a bingo hall in the middle of a game, Bingo invites the audience to participate in the game and in the plot. During the reading of the numbers, we are shown the lives of the three main characters, who share with us their lives, their loves, strange bingo rituals and great songs.

For the lovers of bingo, and for everyone, Bingo is a great musical, carefully crafted and made to delight and entertain audiences of all ages. To Bingo you can go alone, with your children or with any one and enjoyment is guaranteed. When you do so, remember that audience participation is a must, and so is the bingo game that goes along with it. Yes, that’s right. The audience gets to be part of the show.

For bingo fans, this is a way to finally get some respect, in a game that was long thought to be a covert operation for old women. And for people who are not fans, it may give them impetus to play once they see what a great game it is.

Written by Jeremy McGuire 21.08.05, Editor.
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